Leon Louw from the Libsa googlegroup:
The core functions of government are -
1.. Confiscate wealth ("tax") from net producers of wealth and transfer it to ("subsidise") net consumers of wealth, especially politicians and officials.
2.. Smother ("regulate") wealth-producers and unleash ("liberate") wealth-consumers, especially tax-consuming academics with "academic freedom" and politicians with "parliamentary privilege" (and much more).
3.. Punish managers and owners who run businesses successfully by transferring wealth they generate to failed managers and owners ("bailouts").
4.. Reduce the value of everyone's money by increasing the money supply ("stimulus").
5.. Drain essential capital from the economy ("borrowing requirement").
Almost everything governments do would not just be a heinous crime if done by a private person (restricting liberty; redistributing wealth etc), but conclusive evidence of certifiable insanity. What would happen to a private person who walked up to two people interacting freely, say agreeing to a contract, smoke in their office or drive without seatbelts, pulls a gun and says "If you don't do as I say I'll steal your money ("fine you"), confiscate your house and car ("asset forfeiture"), and evict you from your property ("business regulation")? Well, they would escape trial because they'd be certified and sent to an asylum.